I thought it might be helpful to create a post as to what it is I’m trying to accomplish with my website. I think the video pretty much covers it, as does the song. This is just the beginning of the adventure and as things move along, I have very big plans to expand the site with tons of useful information, cool stuff that I find along the way, lots more songs and music videos, travel blogs, and eventually live performances and chats and really whatever else I find that I think you might enjoy knowing about. And of course, special guests will be stopping in all over the place. I can’t wait to see where all this goes and what it becomes.
I’m so happy you’re here with me right at the start. Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions below about anything you think will add to the fun. I look forward to your input. That’s really what it’s about after all, an exchange of energy on many levels, and simple conversation is among them.
If you’re looking for any of the things that I mentioned in the video, there is an Isagenix page that tells some of my personal experiences using it over the years. From there you can also find a link to more detailed information and where you can order it if you want to. If you’re not sure what to do, just ask me and I’ll help you figure it out.
If you’re interested in a new website or giving your current one a facelift into a state of the art responsive one (meaning that it looks and works great on mobile phones and tablets too), just shoot me an email and let me know and we’ll take it from there.
And, if you want to check out things like quotes or videos or photos, lyrics, press articles, etc, I’ll be posting them in the portfolio section of the site.
Besides blogging about cool finds, I’ve also set up a Cool Stuff page with some of my favorites that I am constantly recommending so you can find them easily. I’ll be adding to the list as time permits.
I can’t wait to share all of this with you! Thanks again for joining me! Oh, and if you haven’t signed up to join the mailing list for updates and to get you free CD download, you can do that here.
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